Bryan Jepson


Bryan Jepson is the father of three children, two of whom have autism. He is a board-certified emergency medicine physician but also spent nine years treating children with autism and looking for biomedical solutions to the disorder. He was the founder of the non-profit Children's Biomedical Center of Utah in 2002 and was part of a team that established the Thoughtful House Center for Children (currently the Johnson Center for Child Health and Development) in Austin, Texas in 2006. He has authored two books about autism. One is entitled "Changing the Course of Autism: a scientific approach for parents and physicians," which is a non-fiction exploration of the research behind the biological origins of autism and various treatment modalities that are in use. The second is a novel entitled "The Record Player"--a story that follows a family's struggles as they come to terms with their son's diagnosis, look for treatment options and ultimately help him find his unique contribution. You can contact Bryan Jepson at


