C.T. Nguyen


C.T. Nguyen is a storyteller with a background as diverse as her experiences. Originally from Vietnam, she migrated to the United States at the age of 17. This life-changing journey has given her the opportunity to immerse in both Eastern and Western cultures and education. Her own experience and perspective, as a former refugee and now a proud American, have fueled her commitment to empathy, gratitude, respect, and recognition of boundless potential within every individual. In addition to her roles as a mother, wife, and computer engineer, C.T. Nguyen finds solace in the world of writing. Her writing is driven by a genuine passion to share stories that have left lasting impressions on her. Her aim is to connect with readers by inviting them to experience the moral of these stories through her narratives. C.T. Nguyen believes that stories possess the power to bridge gaps and promote understanding, and that is what she hopes to achieve in her work.



