I am an author with a heart for encouraging others. My mission in writing for kids is to make learning fun. Over the years, thousands of kids have participated in learning events based on the books I've created. Along the way, they've had "almost" as much fun as I have had in creating activities that teach kids something about math, science, history, and geography, while helping teachers address important curriculum standards. I also write for the Christian book market, where my mission is to "see our lives as part of God's ongoing plan." My Bible Study series With Faith Like Hers, looks at the character and circumstances of individual women in Scripture to see what lessons we modern women can learn from her. These 28-day meditative devotionals are perfect for either individual or group study, with thoughtful questions at the end of each lesson to meditate on or discuss. I can be found chatting about things of interest For Faith, For Kids, For Writers and For Readers at my website carolpetersonauthor.com and on various other locations on the web. Please join with me as I use the written word to make learning fun for kids AND adults.