Cal Clement is a native Montanan a Marine Corps veteran of the Afghanistan campaign and is currently employed by a class 1 railroad spanning much of the western United States. From an early age he was captivated in a wide range of literary works from westerns and tech thrillers to modern adventures and horror stories. The escape of adventure within a book, and the art of creating them has shaped his outlook for as far back as he can remember. Cal's favorite genre, however, is sea adventures. From C.S Forester's Hornblower series, to the Patrick O'Brian Aubrey - Maturin series, and more recently Julian Stockwin's Kydd novels, he enjoys tales of high adventure and daring feats out on the open ocean. These authors and their stories have been so impactful, they have influenced Cal in his primary authorial genre. When not writing, he can be found at his home in Montana, enjoying the company of the love of his life and their children. Or, exploring the stunning lakes and landscapes found in their local area. Even at his happiest, he still daydreams of the sea.