Calvin Crowther


(Editor speaking here) Since the previous publisher was removed by Amazon, Calvin and his team (haha, that makes us sound so professional) have been working on putting the comics on a website so we have more control of them. (We all spent some time scrambling for new jobs when our income from this was cut) The website we're creating will have all the comics there (it looks great), and a new Minecraft trading-card system with Calvin's characters, new monsters and characters, and a crafting system. While that's underway, we're re-publishing temporary versions of the comics here to get noticed again. If you read the comics on Kindle Unlimited, you'll only be able to do that until the website is done. Once the website goes live, the comics will be taken off kindle unlimited so you can read them on the website instead. They'll still be available on Amazon and other platforms for the regular purchase option, though. And they'll have trading-card pack vouchers that you'll be able to redeem on the website. Anyway, we're re-publishing them here as fast as we can, but there's only a few of us (mostly just me for the publishing), so there's only so much we can do in a day. Calvin has been redoing some of the older comics (adding scenes, altering the plot, making better images), and has just finished with the redone Episode 4. He's now working on Episode 5 while his editors fix and republish the other comics (that's me!). Episode 5 will be coming soon, but while it's being worked on, the new Episode 4 doesn't fit with the old Episode 5, so we'll be temporarily publishing a combined comic of the old versions of 4 and 5 so readers can continue on to Episode 6. Thanks for your patience!


