Carl is a writer from Cheshire, England. 'The Time Hunters' was his first novel. The series continues with 'The Time Hunters and the Box of Eternity', 'The Time Hunters and the Spear of Fate', 'The Time Hunters and the Sword of Ages', 'The Time Hunters and the Lost City', 'The Time Hunters and the Wraith's Revenge', 'The Time Hunters and the Odin Horn' and 'The Time Hunters and the Blessed Isle.' He has also completed four non-Time Hunters books: 'The Night they Nicked Saint Nick', 'Bernard and the Bibble', 'Zak Fisher and the Angel Prophecy' and 'Rhyme and Reason'. He likes Marvel comics, 80s indie music, and naan breads. He is rubbish at fixing stuff. Please visit his website www.carlashmore.com or contact him on carlashmoreauthor@yahoo.com.