Dr. Carl P Gabbard Ed.D. M.Ed. B.S.


Carl Gabbard is a Fellow in the National Academy of Kinesiology and Professor Emeritus in the Department of Health & Kinesiology at Texas A&M University. For over 30 years he was Director of the Child Motor Development Lab in the Motor Neuroscience Division. He has published over 275 articles of research and application related to motor development and physical activity. He is the author of Lifelong Motor Development (Wolters Kluwer) now in its 8th ed. and has co-authored and reviewed several major curricular documents. He has presented his work in France, China, Portugal, Brazil, the Philippines, the Netherlands, Canada, Mexico, and Ecuador. His primary research examines mental representation of movement programming and effects of the environment on infant motor behavior. In addition to currently and having served on several editorial boards, he is frequently an invited reviewer for some of the top scientific journals in his field, e.g., Developmental Neuropsychology, Developmental Psychology, Infant Behavior and Development, Experimental Brain Research, Brain and Cognition, and Frontiers in Movement Science and Sport Psychology. Among Dr. Gabbard’s honors are: Karpovich Lecturer (Springfield College), Margie R. Hanson Distinguished Service Award (SHAPE), and the Motor Development Senior Lecturer (NASPSPA). Dr. Gabbard served as President of the National Assoc. for Sport and Phys. Ed. (over 18k members) and as Chair of the Motor Development section for NASPSPA.


