Lic. Carlos L Partidas


For over 50 years, I have dedicated myself to researching how organic diseases are produced from a chemical point of view, which has led me to demonstrate that organic diseases are produced when we cause changes in the DNA structure of our cells. Like the physical body, the DNA is made up of electronic matter, whereas the spirit is made up of magnetic mass. The electronic energy was formed by the movement of an almatrino; and the movement of the almatrino formed the magnetic energy. The electronic energy was integrated, and electronic matter was formed, whereas the magnetic energy when integrated formed the magnetic mass of the spirit. The magnetic mass of the spirit is the energy that gives life form to the electronic matter of the physical body. The magnetic mass of the spirit is the only form of life that is eternal, whereas the mass of the body without the energy of the spirit will continue to change over time. The Universe was formed out of nothing; for, all it took was the movement of an almatrino. An almatrino has neither mass nor electronic charge; an almatrino is the smallest particle in the universe.


