Carol A. Josel


Carol Josel, a teacher since 1966, is currently a learning specialist with the Methacton School District in Pennsylvania, working with middle school children and their parents. She is also the author of Getting School-Wise: A Student Guildbook (ScarecrowEducation, 2002), Ready-to-use ESL Activities for Every Month of the School Year (Center for Applied Reaserch in Education), and her writings have appeared in such professional publications as Teaching Pre-K-8 and The Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy. Raising academically successful children who grow into sociable and productive adults is a universal concern. And, while no one book can adress all parenting issues, Other-Wise and School-Wise: A Parent Guidebook responds effectively to most of them, offering expert advice, activities, and lessons to help parents and their children both at home and at school.


