www.CarolLacey.com (go here to read my blog) "Publishing a book has become an overwhelming, surprising adventure. A few days ago, waiting in line at Walmart, someone behind me said, “Can I have your autograph?” I turned to find an old acquaintance with a wide grin. She had heard about my book, bought and loved it. We had a fun chat and she promised to sign up on my website." "An unexpected sale brought me joy as a clerk caught me staring at her name tag. “It’s Medea,” she said. “It’s Greek.” I told her about the book I just published that takes place in Greece, and how I searched the internet for authentic Greek names. She wasn’t busy so she asked about the story, and we chatted for several minutes. I asked and she wrote out her name and her sister’s name for my future use. She said she loved to read, asked for the title, pulled out her phone and ordered the book on the spot." Hello, I hope you enjoyed my book, Ensnared by Evil, the first in The Snare of the Fowler series, and follow Daphne’s journey through Whom the Son Sets Free available now and Free Indeed, to follow in Fall 2023. I have been writing for thirty years and was published in many Christian magazines, like The Christian Reader, Evangel, Woman Alive, a United Kingdom magazine, Impact Magazine, a Singapore production, my local paper, and others. Several years ago, on one of my frequent prayer-walks, I was fervently seeking God to know if writing was the best use of His time for me. I looked up and a few houses away I saw a sign in a yard that read “Resume Writing.” My heart leapt. I didn’t need any “Resumé Writing,” but rejoiced all the way home that God stamped His approval on the desire of my heart. The plight of the slave girl who mocked the apostle Paul in Acts sixteen had bubbled in me for years, so I started writing her story. I live and grew up in southwest Michigan where our beautiful lakes and northern forests draw me every summer. For years, my husband (who went to be with Jesus this year) and I were avid golfers and traveled each spring to the Carolinas and Florida during the winter when snow covered courses here. This led to my one claim to fame, when years ago I became the second woman in the world to have two holes-in-one in one eighteen-hole round. That resulted in a lot of fun and a hoopla of local and a world-wide media attention. I love to read, walk, and spend time with my three children and many grandchildren. For twenty years, in my spare time, much of it traveling as my husband pulled our fifth-wheel trailer, I hand sewed a cathedral window quilt for our king-sized bed. After years of longing for what was missing in my life, at thirty-five, this diligent “church member” became a Christian. As God opened my heart to His life-giving message, I developed a deep hunger for more of Him and a passion for His word. That led to developing Bible Studies for women where we opened with the delight of singing God’s praises and the ministry of prayer, then dug into the word to encourage trusting in the promises of Jesus. My blog, (carollacey.com,) is called Nuggets from God’s Word, where I focus on things God teaches me about life lessons from His Word, or whispers in corrections. It is my hope that my books will shine God’s light on the reality of the kingdom of darkness and our ability in Christ Jesus to overcome the evil one through the power of the Holy Spirit in us. God bless your journey, Carol Lacey