Carsten Busch has studied Mechanical Engineering, Safety and Human Factors. He also spent some time at Law School but prioritised moving to Norway above graduating. He has over 25 years of experience in HSEQ Management at various levels in organisations from railway, oil & gas and police in The Netherlands, United Kingdom and Norway. He speaks regularly on seminars and conferences about a variety of topics and is active in various professional forums, including the Dutch Society for Safety Science (NVVK) and his own website He is involved in the Lund University Human Factors and System Safety program as a tutor. His main research interests include the history of knowledge development and discourse in safety. His Lund University thesis, Heinrich’s Local Rationality: Shouldn’t ‘New View’ Thinkers Ask Why Things Made Sense to Him? was awarded best safety-related thesis of 2019 by the Intressentföreningen för Processäkerhet. Previous books include the well-received Safety Myth 101, Veiligheidsfabels 1-2-3 and If You Can’t Measure It… Maybe You Shouldn’t. Other fields of expertise include progressive rock (you can find some writings on the subject online), single malt whisky and fantasy literature. Having bought an old large house, he is still learning more about do-it-yourself than he ever wanted.