Cat Wiessbrod


Cat Wiessbrod is a children's book author and illustrator. Cat's works include: "Honk!", "Honk or Treat!", "Honk In the City", "The Very Hungry Goat - A Parody", "12 Hungry Days of Christmas", "A Celebration of Polar Bears", and "What Should We Do?". When she's not writing or drawing, she can be found baking, playing bananagrams, or putting together puzzles. Cat also loves to create crafts and activities which pair well with the books and can be found by visiting www. wiessbrodbooks. com. Follow her on social media to learn more about in person book reading and craft events, new book drops, and behind the scenes peeks at works in progress. Find Cat on Instagram (@wiessbrodbooks), TikTok (@wiessbrodbooks), Pinterest (@wiessbrod_books), and YouTube (@wiessbrodbooks).



