Catherine Ann Clemett


As best-selling co-author of “Anna, the Voice of the Magdalenes”, sequel to Claire Heartsong’s publishing sensation “Anna, Grandmother of Jesus”, Catherine Ann has amassed a worldwide following. She has authored numerous books on spirituality, self-empowerment and the Divine Feminine, including co-authoring with twin-flame expert, Angelina Heart, a book for which they won an International Writer's Digest award. Her book, "Raising My Frequency, A Spiritual Journey Awakening to the More of Life" she shares her autobiographical journey of mastery, miracles and synchronicity being led from the other side of the veil to collaborate with Claire Heartsong on writing and publishing two books together. Author, Dr. Christiane Northrup endorsed this book by saying, "Raising my Frequency is the quintessential hero’s journey back to God and Source. Beautifully written through the author’s own experience, it brings profound spiritual truths right into day-to-day life. As such, it is a field manual for what must be done in day-to-day life to bring heaven to Earth. This is a book for our current Great Awakening here on the planet." ~ Christiane Northrup, MD New York Times bestselling author of Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom, The Wisdom of Menopause, and Goddesses Never Age Catherine Ann’s work focuses on going beyond the human experience, suggesting there may often come a time when we yearn for more than just the superficial connections which we all experience between human beings into something which is more profound, has more meaning and more relevance to who we are and what we are here to do. Catherine Ann’s work offers an opportunity to explore our human ability and capacity to transcend the limitations of our three-dimensional consciousness and limiting constructs into greater alignment and accessibility of who we are as divine cosmic beings. She continues to live her passion, writing, speaking and holding events online, as well as in person, across the US and internationally, including Magdalene Grid Activations and Sacred Site tours where she has facilitated awakening dormant feminine planetary ley lines all over the world. Catherine Ann is available for Frequency Raising Healing/Channeling sessions for individuals as well as private group and community events. Find information on upcoming events on the sites below.


