Cecily Goodwin is a Nutrition Expert, a kitchen lover, and the author of an Amazon Best Seller Cookbook for Air Fryer owners. Her passion for cooking grew from childhood when she spent all her free time with her mom in the kitchen. Following her passion, she studied Nutriology in college, had a degree, and worked as a nutritional consultant. She is the mother of two beloved kids. Sadly, her son was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes at the age of 12, and she started looking for delicious, non-boring recipes that could keep his glycemic index as low as possible at the same time. She decided to share her knowledge with others, not only her clients. As a result, she has written two great cookbooks. The first one is for people diagnosed with diabetes; this book is based on her experience. The second one is for Air Fryer owners with healthy recipes inside, as she has become its fan after the first use. Each recipe is carefully analyzed, fully proofed, and followed by a colorful and mouthwatering picture to motivate cooking.