Chad Lakies


Chad Lakies (MDiv, PhD, Concordia Seminary) is the Vice President for Ministry Engagement within the United States for Lutheran Hour Ministries. His work centers around helping the church become more outreach focused by empowering it to share the Gospel with non-churched individuals at more personal levels. His former life as a non-believer provides exceedingly relevant experience for thinking about how to engage with our friends and neighbors outside the kingdom of God. Lakies regularly speaks at national conferences for pastors and church professionals and has published in several journals on the topic of faith and culture. He is the author of How the Light Shines Through: Resilient Witness in Dark Times (Concordia Publishing House, 2024), a guide for helping the church engage in winsome witness while facing the challenges of contemporary culture. Lakies formerly served as Department Chair and Associate Professor of Religion at Concordia University in Portland, Oregon.


