Charles E. Claggett Jr.


Charles E. Claggett, Jr., writer, author, retired advertising and marketing executive. He was elected to the St. Louis Media History Foundation Advertising Hall of Fame in 2008. He was named by Advertising Age as being one of the top 100 "Brightest and Best" people in advertising, and has received more than 80 national and international creative awards. Charlie is most noted for authoring the line "This Bud's for you" in 1979. “Max Starkloff” is his first book. He lives in St. Louis with his wife Katie. They have three daughters, Elissa, Julia, and Phoebe, and three grandsons. Max Starkloff and the Fight for Disability Rights has won two awards: A bronze medal in the national biography category from the Independent Publisher Award (IPPY), and the Award of Merit for excellence from The American Association for State and Local History (AASLH).

