S. Charlie is a young author from South Carolina who’s passionate about the outdoors and helping kids and young adults develop practical wilderness and life skills. Growing up with a love for nature, Charlie learned a lot through her time in the American Heritage Girls, picking up essential camping, survival, and life skills along the way. Now, Charlie’s on a mission to share those skills with others, writing books that teach young readers how to connect with nature, gain confidence, and become more self-reliant. With three dogs by her side and plenty of outdoor adventures to draw from, Charlie writes in a way that’s both fun and easy to follow, helping kids and teens build the skills they need for both the wild and everyday life. Whether it’s learning how to build a shelter, start a fire, or navigate the outdoors, Charlie’s goal is to inspire a sense of adventure and independence in the next generation. When she's not writing or out exploring, you can usually find Charlie hanging out with her dogs, hiking, or diving into a good book. Charlie’s future books will continue to focus on empowering young readers to step outside, try new things, and become the best versions of themselves.