I'm just a sinner, saved by God's AMAZING grace, with one desire: for my life to be poured out as a servant to Christ, in order to bring glory to God. God has given me the great joy of spreading His Word around the world through Scripturenow.com And even though I have a BA in Psychology and I'm trained in Biblical Counseling through the AACC . . . it is truly God who has qualified me, through my daily surrender, as I walk intimately with Him one day at a time. In the most amazing journey of my life, God has seen fit to make me an International Bestselling Christian Living author. More miraculously, I've been ranked #4 in Bestselling authors for Amazon in the Religion and Spirituality category. Truly, God still does miracles. (It's ONLY by the grace of God that I am who I am. 1 Corinthians 15:10) In the words of Charles Spurgeon, "My books are my tools."--the tools that God has seen fit to take my pain and use it for His gain. All the glory goes to Him. My published works are: He Whispers Your Name Living a Hope Filled Life A Journey with Jesus Walking in the Spirit When You Need a Miracle His Love Never Quits The Problem of Prayer All Things New Mini Devotions for Kids Waiting on God Be Still: Let Jesus Calm Your Storms Deeper Beginning at The End :Finding God When Your World Falls Apart Hope Being God Empty Faith Under Construction My greatest joy: Living out my Lord and Savior's command, "When you have repented and turned to Me again, strengthen your brothers/sisters" (Luke 22:32). It is my passion to encourage others in their faith and lead them into a deeper relationship with the One who paid it all.