Chris Adsit


Chris Adsit is currently the Resource Coordinator for REBOOT Alliance, a ministry to military servicemembers, first responders and their families who struggle with the effects of duty-related stress and trauma. Chris graduated from Colorado State University in 1973 with a Bachelor’s Degree in Biological Science and was an All-American track athlete, competing in the 400m hurdles. He was named to their Sports Hall of Fame in 2012. He was a full-time staff member of Campus Crusade for Christ International (Cru) from 1974 to 2011. During his 37-year tenure, he spent 15 years with the Athletes in Action ministry (competing internationally in the decathlon), 15 years with Disciplemakers International, and 7 years with the Military Ministry (Cru Military). He has been on Affiliate Staff with Cru since September of 2012. In 1998, Chris and his wife Rahnella founded Disciplemakers International - a ministry dedicated to training mature Christians how to disciple young believers using a need-oriented, assessment-driven approach. Chris remains as the Executive Director of Disciplemakers International. In 2011 Chris and Rahnella founded Branches of Valor, International – a ministry to troops, first responders and their families whose lives have been touched by service-related stress and trauma. The main mechanism of the ministry revolves around weekly, supportive small group meetings called “Rally Point” groups. In this environment, group members develop a sense of family, trust, and mutual support in which they can help each other connect with the true Healer by creating an environment in which God can have optimal access to their body, soul and spirit for the purpose of healing. In 2018, Chris and Rahnella merged Branches of Valor with REBOOT Alliance, so that they might combine their similar visions and have a greater impact in their ministry. Their first assignment was to create a 13-week program specifically for first responders and and their spouses who are struggling with duty-related stress and trauma, known as "Firstline." He has authored and co-authored several works on disciplemaking and duty-related trauma: -Personal Disciplemaking - Integrated Resources, 1996 (Previously published by Here’s Life Publishers, 1988; Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1992) -Connecting With God - NewLife Resources, 2001 (A foundational Bible study series for new or young believers) -Combat Trauma Healing Manual: Christ-Centered Solutions for Combat Trauma - Military Ministry Press, 2007. -When War Comes Home: Christ-Centered Healing for Wives of Combat Veterans - Military Ministry Press, 2009 – co-authored with Rahnella Adsit and Marshele Carter Waddell. -The First Responder Healing Manual – Biblical Solutions for Line of Duty Stress and Trauma, 2015 – co-authored with Rahnella Adsit – Bourland Books. -Follow-up book for the movie We Are Stronger, produced by Reflective Life Ministry. -Follow-up book for the documentary film Triggered, produced by All Things Possible Ministries. -Video Series: Personal Disciplemaking Video Training Series. Produced in partnership with Western Seminary, Portland Oregon; 1999. Designed for training mature Christians—lay or full-time—to make disciples in a deliberate, need-oriented fashion. -Chris and Rahnella contributed one hour of content to Care and Counsel for Combat Trauma –Training DVD series produced in partnership with the American Association of Christians Counselors – released Spring, 2009. Chris and his wife live in Eugene, OR and have raised four children. Chris and his wife are both ordained by the Evangelical Church Alliance.


