Chris Grall


Chris Grall is a retired US Special Forces team sergeant with 26 years of service. His first opportunity to be a technical advisor for writers came in 2007 with the book Contagious, by Scott Sigler. Since then he’s shared his knowledge of firearms at several conferences and provided technical and tactical advice to many authors. His book, Trigger Guard: A Writer’s Guide to Firearms, was inspired by two closely timed events: a conversation on the correct way to express caliber in fiction, and a one-hour session he presented at ThrillerFest, Firearms for Writers. What seemed in the moment as an easy task, turned into a year-long project that included research, graphics production, writing, and learning the ins and outs of self-publishing. Chris swore he would never write a book. The universe heard that and laughed. He’s written a novel in the genre of speculative fiction, for which he’s trying to find a home. That one may go the self-publishing route as well. Time will tell. He has another work in progress, but those details will have to wait.


