Dr. Chris McMullen has over 20 years of experience teaching university physics in California, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, and Louisiana. Dr. McMullen is also an author of math and science books. Whether in the classroom or as a writer, Dr. McMullen loves sharing knowledge and the art of motivating and engaging students. Chris McMullen earned his Ph.D. in phenomenological high-energy physics (particle physics) from Oklahoma State University in 2002. Originally from California, Dr. McMullen earned his Master's degree from California State University, Northridge, where his thesis was in the field of electron spin resonance. Dr. McMullen is well-known for: • engaging students in challenging ideas through creativity • breaking difficult problems down into manageable steps • providing clear and convincing explanations to subtle issues • his mastery of physics and strong background in mathematics • helping students become more fluent in practical math skills As a physics teacher, Dr. McMullen observed that many students lack fluency in fundamental math skills. In an effort to help students of all ages and levels master basic math skills, he published a series of math workbooks on arithmetic, fractions, algebra, geometry, trigonometry, and calculus called the Improve Your Math Fluency Series. Dr. McMullen has also published a variety of science books, including introductions to basic astronomy and chemistry concepts in addition to physics workbooks. Dr. McMullen is very passionate about teaching. Many students and observers have been impressed with the transformation that occurs when he walks into the classroom, and the interactive engaged discussions that he leads during class time. Dr. McMullen is well-known for drawing monkeys and using them in his physics examples and problems, using his creativity to inspire students. A stressed-out student is likely to be told to throw some bananas at monkeys, smile, and think happy physics thoughts. Dr. McMullen first published The Visual Guide to Extra Dimensions, Volumes 1 and 2, to share his passion for the geometry and physics of the fourth dimension. Dr. McMullen has coauthored a half-dozen articles on current and future collider searches for large extra dimensions. In addition to writing and teaching, Dr. McMullen enjoys Scrabble, golf, and chess.