Christie Eisner


John and Christie have a unique story. As a Gentile believer, Christie has been looking for Jesus in the Biblical feasts after a surprise encounter during her first Passover Seder at her in-law's home. Her testimony of her four- decade journey into Judaism is written down in her two books; "Finding the Afikoman: encountering Jesus in the spring feasts" and "Watching and Waiting: encountering Jesus in the fall feasts". John, on the other hand, was excited to be out of what he thought was, the "dead religion of his past", and gave himself to learn about his new identity as a believer in Jesus. For the past forty years John has had an insatiable quest to understand the 'mystery' of Ephesians 2:15, and to get revelation of God's heart for Jew and Gentile, "One New Man". His book, "The Book of Ephesians: a love story to the Gentiles", reveals a unique understanding of this ancient 'mystery' hidden in God's heart. Through Christie, John finally came to understand the Importance of his Jewish identity... and, likewise through John, Christie has understood her true glory as a Gentile. John and Christie, love functioning together and teaching others with their different perspectives and giftings, to encourage the Body of Christ. John and Christie moved from Colorado to Kansas City in 2008. They have 3 children and 6 grandchildren, who live in Nashville and Los Angeles, and any spare time they have is spending time with their family.


