Christie Leigh Babirad


Christie Leigh Babirad is a published fiction author of four books and a companion journal, and a poetess of two full-length collections, Sapphire Stars and Scarlet Secrets. Her work has been featured in Tiny Buddha, The Mindful Word, and Dan’s Papers. Christie Leigh believes we all have many unique purposes in this life, the greatest one being “to love” and to follow that which stirs the heart. She adores her family, which includes a spunky Jack Russell Terrier, Alistair, who likes to don sweaters and fancy collars in the chillier months. She credits her family, friends, and fans of her work for inspiring her craft, and that is one of the many reasons why she will always say that there is no such thing as being “self-made.” She strongly feels that we are a collection of the people who have come in and out of our lives and placed love and belief in our hearts. The primary hope she has for her readers is that her words and stories comfort and inspire them, letting them know that they are never alone. She wants her readers to know that their feelings have a real place, and that this life can be so much bigger and grander, if we let love and optimism fully into our hearts. She also believes in an after-life and that we remain connected to the ones who have moved on to Heaven. She’s a romantic and looks up at the sky often, marveling at its enormity and how the colors and clouds are always changing and the stars keep shining, no matter what. You can follow her art on social media @ the following sites to find out more about her latest projects. Facebook @authorchristieleighbabirad Goodreads @cbabiradauthor Instagram and Pinterest @christieleighbabiradauthor TikTok @AuthorChristieLeigh


