Christine Hunefeldt Born in Germany, Christine Hunefeldt grew up in the Andes, and has been working in the United States (University of California, San Diego) since 1990, with frequent conference and research trips over the past decades between both continents, and beyond. In Peru (UNMSM) and England (Cambridge University) she undertook studies in Social Anthropology, and obtained her PhD from the University of Bonn (1982, History, Ethnology). Between 1984 and 1990, she was with the Department of Economics at the Catholic University (Lima). Her research/ publications delve on ethnic and class consciousness in rural Peru in the transition from Colony to Republic; the destinies of Lima’s black and free populations; liberalism translated into Lima’s families/gender relations in the nineteenth century. Among her publications are Lucha por la tierra y protesta indígena: Las comunidades indígenas del Perú entre Colonia y República, 1800-1830; Paying the Price of Freedom: Family and Labor Among Lima’s Slaves, 1800- 1854; Liberalism in the Bedroom: Quarreling Spouses in Nineteenth-Century Lima; A Brief History of Peru (translated to Chinese); Fiscal Capitalism and the Dismantling of Citizenship, Puno-Peru in the Nineteenth Century; Crafting Borders. From Tordesillas and Q’osqo to Andean Nation-States.1500-1900.