Christopher Ash


Christopher Ash is Writer-in-Residence at Tyndale House in Cambridge. He is a full-time preacher, pastor, teacher, and writer. After working in the telecommunications industry and as a teacher of maths, Christopher studied theology at Oxford, where he was awarded the Denyer and Johnson prize. He was ordained and served as an Assistant Minister in St.Andrew the Great in Cambridge, before leading a church plant to All Saints, Little Shelford, in 1997. In 2004 he and Carolyn moved to London where Christopher served as Director of the Proclamation Trust’s Cornhill Training Course until July 2015. Christopher’s wife Carolyn served on the Board of London City Mission for sixteen years and previously led the teams that ran three annual Proclamation Trust conferences for wives of pastors. She and Christopher have been entrusted with three sons and a daughter (all now grown up) and ten grandchildren. Christopher’s major writing project is a four-volume commentary on reading, preaching, and praying the Psalms in Christ, to be published by Crossway in July 2024 ("The Psalms: a Christ-centered Commentary").



