Christopher and Catherine Brooks have been hiking and camping together since the day they met in 1986. He was born in CT, she came into the world in Belgium. When their paths merged, they contined as a team and their trails have led them all across the U.S. and many other countries. The Appalachian Trail, the Pacific Crest Trail, the New England Trail, the Inca Trail - to name just a few - are their commuting routes. Whereas she photographs the wonders of nature along their treks, he describes the intricacy of their routes. And when they are not hiking, they are degustating food, and not only their own culinary concoctions, because Christopher also reviews restaurants for the New York Times. When asked about their worst trail experiences they confide: "We have been stuck in snow, in sand, in mud, in darkness, even in a scorpions' nest, but the one thing we try not to forget is: don't panic!" Usually we remember that after the first ten minutes of agony. Discover more about the authors in their acclaimed hiking guide: 60 HIKES WITHIN 60 MILES: NEW YORK CITY, currently in its third edition.