Christopher M. is a restless hermit that has lived, and continues to live, a life of exploration. He is a creator who appreciates and supports the creations of others: art, music, film, prose, poetics; the works. Flavor, experience and digging in to the world around him has bent his mind in a peculiar way which allows for his unique perspectives and interpretations. His first foray into the world of the printed word was via his Four-Sep Publications, which published "First Class" lit-mag from 1996-2011. Well-regarded in the small press world of print magazines, it was put on hiatus after the publication of issue 35 in November, 2010. His travels have proven fine fodder for photography and fictive non-fiction. He has a hard time putting the final nails in, and is particularly proud of his current creation: The Valley Folke Series. He loves the city, loves his rural peace, loves his family, loves his critters, and only hates that which he finds most repugnant: a closed mind.