Christopher Negus


Christopher Negus has been one of the world's leading writers of Linux books for more than two decades. His Red Hat Linux Bible series sold more than one-quarter million copies worldwide. Chris also wrote the Linux Bible (2005 through 2020 editions), Linux Toolbox series, Linux Toys, Linux Toys II, and Linux Troubleshooting Bible for Wiley Publishing. For Prentice Hall, Chris wrote Docker Containers and created the Docker Live Lessons video demos. Currently, Chris is a Senior Open Source Technical Writer for Amazon Web Services, focusing mainly on Kubernetes and a variety of upstream AWS container-related projects. Before that, Chris worked as a writer and instructor for Red Hat, working on Linux, containerization, and Kubernetes/OpenShift documentation. Earlier in his career, Chris worked on UNIX operating system development teams at AT&T Bell Labs, UNIX System Labs, and Novell in the 1980s and 1990s. When not writing about computers, Chris likes to spend time with his family: Sheree, Seth, and Caleb. Chris also enjoys playing soccer, singing opera (when nobody can hear him), and making things out of old computers.



