Christopher O'Brien


Since 1992, Christopher O'Brien has investigated over one thousand paranormal events reported in the San Luis Valley--located in South-central Colorado/North Central New Mexico. Working with law enforcement officials, ex-military, ranchers and an extensive network of skywatchers, from 1992 to 2002 he documented one of the most intense waves of unexplained activity ever reported from a single geographic region of North America. His ten-year investigation resulted in the three books of his "mysterious valley" trilogy, The Mysterious Valley, Enter the Valley, and Secrets of the Mysterious Valley. His meticulous field investigation of UFO reports, unexplained livestock deaths, Native American legends, cryptozoology, secret military activity and the folklore, found in the world's largest alpine valley, has produced one of the largest databases of unusual occurrences gathered from a single geographic region. He is currently working with a team of specialists installing a high-tech video surveillance and hard-data monitoring system in and around the San Luis Valley. His 2009 book Stalking the Tricksters distills his years of field investigation and research into an ingenious unified paranormal theory that is sure to create intense interest and controversy. His latest book Stalking the Herd (600 pages) is being called "The Bible of cattle mutilations books" and has received dozens of positive reviews. It is the first book on the subject that objectively examines the unexplained livestock death phenomenon—one of the most perplexing mysteries of our times. Media Projects O'Brien, an entertaining, thought-provoking speaker has been a guest on Coast-to-Coast and hundreds of other radio shows. He has also been seen on recently broadcast TV programs such as: Ancient Aliens, Weird or What, Conspiracy Theory and UFO Hunters. Starting in the early '90s, Chris developed, supplied footage, field-produced and appeared in four segments of the Paramount television program Sightings and was featured on Inside Edition, Extra, Showtime's Sci-Friday Chronicles, the TBS documentary "UFO: The Search; the BBC2 program Louis Theroux's Weird Weekends, Nippon TV's Special Research 2000, the Discovery Channel's two-hour documentary, Billion $ Secret (with Jane's Defence Weekly's Nick Cook,) the TV series UFO Files, Exploring the Unknown, The Unexplained, Secrets of:, Profiles in Ufology, Unexplained Mysteries and in the English documentary film Mutilation Files. At home in front or behind the camera, O'Brien has field-produced and directed television segments for the nationally syndicated paranormal news-magazine Strange Universe. He was a consulting producer and writer/researcher for Stage 3 [Television] Productions where he also wrote and produced History, Mystery and Greed: the Story of Snippy the Horse, and co-produced the documentaries Dead Whisper and Disclosure Dialogues which won two EBE Film Festival Awards. Inspired by his field-research, Chris co-wrote an action/adventure film screenplay, Deadly Waters, that was judged Honorable Mention in the 1998 Southwest Screenwriter's Guild Contest. Since 1993, he has written articles that have appeared in Open Minds, Fate, UFO Universe, Leading Edge, CyberWest, Western Spirit, World Exploror's Club Magazine, Crestone Eagle, Phenomena, Zeitgeist and UFO Encounters. His investigation and research have been featured in the Associated Press, Denver Post, Pueblo Chieftain, the New Mexican, the Rocky Mountain News, the Albuquerque Journal, the Deseret News, The Red Rock News, UFO Magazine, Phenomenon, (France) OVNI (Spain), Borderline (Japan). An entertaining and thought-provoking speaker for seven years he was a perennial guest lecturer at Adam's State College and he has captivated conference and seminar audiences with his unique insight into some of our culture's last remaining mysteries. He also hosted his own regional Colorado/New Mexico radio show, Mysterious Valley Report (1996-1999), and published the bi-monthly Mysterious Valley Report (1993-2000).


