Chuck Neighbors


Chuck Neighbors is an author, actor, director, and playwright. As an actor he has toured for over 45 years throughout North America as well as to 18 countries on 6 continents. His most popular show, a one-man dramatic adaptation of Charles Sheldon’s classic “In His Steps,” has been featured on radio and television and performed before thousands of audiences. Chuck has performed in theaters, churches, gymnasiums, airplane hangars and even on board a submarine. As a playwright, Chuck’s published works include 11 books of theater scripts including his best-selling “What Would Jesus Do? Playbook” (Lillenas) and the 6-volume series “Power Plays” (Baker Books). He authored Church Pews, Potlucks and a Tank of Gas: A Survival Guide for the Independent Christian Artist" and “Drama Workshop: Teaching Drama to Beginning Actors," a drama workshop he has taught in hundreds of churches, schools and conferences. And for something completely different, he published a book of faith-based limericks: "Get Me to the Church in Rhyme." His children's books include the best-selling "I Am Lucy" series, "The Rescue of Jonathan Dough," "Hey Jude," and "Miles Would Not Smile" Chuck is a husband, a father and a grandfather. He and his wife, Lorie, make their home in Salem, Oregon. More information can be found at



