Claudio Sopranzetti


Claudio was born in a small town in Central Italy. he received my BA from University of Rome in 2005 in Anthropology and Linguistics. After working for NGOs in Kenya and traveling around West Africa and Southeast Asia, Claudio started his PhD in Social Anthropology at Harvard University. During his years there he conducted research in Thailand, Cambodia, and Venezuela and collaborated extensively with architects, artists, and journalists. In 2012 he published his first book, Red Journey: Inside the Thai Red-Shirt Movement with Silkworm Book and Washington University Press. Claudio received his PhD in 2013 and he is currently a postdoctoral fellow at All Souls College, Oxford University, a research associate at the Future of Cities Center, and teaches at the Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology. He also writes for newspapers and magazines. He is currently working at AWAKENED, an anthropological graphic novel.


