Colin Hayvice


Colin Hayvice was born in Wellington New Zealand in 1943. Colin has published poetry, travel articles and 3 books; "Confessions of an Aussie Postie", "The Makutu Stone" and recently "Turn Left at the Zebra", telling of his first African safari. Colin was commissioned by Paramount Pictures to research and write two documentaries for the program "Sightings", these documentaries aired on TV in USA, Australia and New Zealand. Colin now lives in Napier on the East Coast of the North Island of New Zealand. He lived in Adelaide, South Australia for twenty years, and it was from this base he went on a "Writer's Journey" into the Red-Centre of Australia sleeping in a swag under the stars with twelve other writers. His next adventure book about this "Dreamtime Journey" will hopefully be published mid-2019. Colin also recently traveled to Namibia to go on safari and has been to Sri Lanka on a "bird-watching" expedition combined with a discovery tour of this amazing beautiful country. Notes and photos for these two are in folders in Colin's files. Colin is also a professional squash coach.


