About 4 years ago I made the decision to try and turn my part time drawing hobby into a full time income. I also decided that chronicling my journey while doing so, would be a good idea. So in December of 2020, I launched my YouTube channel and haven’t looked back since. Over the past 4 years I’ve uploaded around 84 videos covering the topics of self publishing, drawing, design, as well as how to get started on YouTube. And in that time I've also managed to pick up around 16,000 subscribers and set up a pretty decent passive income for myself. That was phase one of my journey. Now that I’ve documented how I’m going to turn my part time hobby into a full time income; it was time to put those techniques that I've been teaching into practice. My goal has always been to write and illustrate children’s picture story books; and I have about 3 books on the go as I’m writing this. Many of the people, who subscribe to my YouTube channel, although being creative, are not very artistically inclined in a drawing sense. For that reason, I’ve spent the last few years teaching them how to create children’s books using licensable artwork from other artists. This is why the first children’s picture story book that I've published was created using that technique. I’ve always loved the idea of creating something in a way that supports and enables other artists to make money as well. My intention for the coming years is to not only continue to write children’s picture story books utilizing artwork from other illustrators, but to also write books that contain my own illustrations as well; while continuing to document both of those journeys on my YouTube channel. And I am cordially inviting all of the writers, illustrators, and highly creative individuals reading this, to join me for the ride. You can find me on YouTube @CraigBabin I hope to see you all there.