Curie Mills


Some of the first books I remember as a child were on the study of entomology, though at four years old, I didn’t know that was the term for what I was learning. I believe these were school or library books of my older siblings. I just knew ants and bees were fascinating! I learned all their different developmental stages and roles they played, their living habits, and so on. The first biography I ever read was the story of the great scientist, Madame Curie. I was a preteen, and I found her story truly inspiring! I know these simple, informative books had a powerful impact on me, helping develop in me an interest in the sciences and curiosity for the world around me from an early age. And who can resist a lovable, quirky, and helpful robot? These were featured prominently in the programs I watched. As an adult, I thought what a great way to segue into a love for a variety of sciences all that was. And that is what has motivated me to highlight science in my writing and picture books for kids of all ages. That is a major age span, but my childhood was “full of days of wonder” so I feel it is possible to appeal across the age gaps to all kids, whether younger or older. I hope that desire to learn more, love for the sciences, and a good dose of both information and humor I enjoyed as a kid is passed on to my readers.

