Curious Roobi


As a former university lecturer, teacher, scientist, and Machine Learning Engineer. I studied the brain and how it functions and learns. The best approach is when we associate learning with good feelings then we remember it longer and absorb the subject faster. I and my team composed of psychologist, scientist, researcher, teacher plus an army of artists and illustrators are on a mission to provide an amusing and fun time for kids to learn and discover the world of science. In our books we leveraged : - Comic stories to help the kids self-personify with the hero in the journey in science. - Several related jokes to increase the engagement in learning and avoid boring continuous rigid subjects. - Hand-picking interesting and inspiring fun facts about science. - Providing stories of Nobel prize winners who are real heroes and saved millions of lives. - Providing stories of other creative and innovative kids to inspire the kids to pursue their ideas. - Providing the full picture of pure science to applied science in the industry is a very simple language to help them select their future careers with passion. more on


