Cynthia Perkins is an author, holistic health counselor, and sobriety coach. She holds a bachelor's degree in psychology, a master's of education in mental health counseling, and a certificate of completion in functional medicine. She has researched the role of diet, nutrition, environmental toxins, and microbial overgrowth on our physical and mental health for more than twenty-five years. As a trained mental health professional and a woman who has faced the challenges of several chronic health conditions, she provides professional advice with a personal touch that can only be acquired through first-hand experience and understanding. Cynthia has overcome many conditions using the holistic principles she advocates, including alcoholism, drug addiction, sugar, carb, caffeine, and nicotine addiction, compulsive overeating, clinical depression, anxiety attacks and fibromyalgia. She has more than 29 years of uninterrupted and craving-free sobriety. Cynthia helps individuals to optimize their physical, mental/emotional and spiritual health and overcome their addictions through a paleo/primal diet, green living, mindfulness, addressing microbial overgrowth, and other holistic self-care strategies. She has walked the walk that she teaches for more than 25 years. At the heart of her philosophy is the belief that healing is a life-long journey, not a one-time event.