D.A. Boulter


Hello Since my early school days, Science Fiction and Fantasy have intrigued me, starting with Heinlein, whose Starship Troopers I read in the middle 60s, long before I knew about the social and political themes it carried. My seminal year, though, came in 1974 when I got my hands on a copy of Frank Herbert's "Dune", which fascinated me with its depth and breadth. At that moment I knew SF&F had hooked me. However, it took another ten years before I seriously considered writing my own material and another ten after that before I began writing in earnest. Now, with the advent of e-readers, I find myself in the very strange position of being a published author, rather than someone who wrote for himself only. It gratifies me that many have read and enjoyed my works. Thank you. I've worked as a cook, a first-aid attendant, weather observer, radar operator and tech. I've worked in the city, in the woods, and in the Arctic. Just now, I find myself on the West Coast of Canada, with my feline companion -- one of a line of cats who have shared my writing moments (and interrupted them as well). And now, due to popular demand (2 people asked for it) I have a Blog daboulter.blogspot.ca



