D. Carl Dillon


I began writing children's books for one simple reason: kids need to be read to and with more often! Some of the most wonderful memories I have is lying in my children's bed with them and deciding which (and often negotiating HOW MANY) books we would read together that night before they went to sleep. The Polly Wallaby series is my first foray into children's books and truly a lifelong dream. I wanted these books to be vividly illustrated with straightforward, positive messages that can be read and enjoyed over and over. Polly herself is what we all need in today's world: a joyful, optimistic friend that supports us, celebrates us and helps us solve our problems. She's certainly not perfect and neither are her merry band of Australian friends - but together, they work together wonderfully. I live in in mid-Michigan with my wife in our "empty nest condo" as all four of our kids have left to build their own joyful, full lives. I am looking forward to penning more Polly books in the very near future - and some other titles as well.

