I feel being called an author is a bit of a stretch. The stories I write basically write themselves, as I am just sharing about our beautiful and messy adoption journey. That is why my daughter is in my profile picture—it’s our story. Our path in adoption was anything but usual. A childless couple, by choice, stumbled into the idea of adoption on a mission trip. That six year international adoption attempt had an unfortunate ending. Our daughter was adopted internationally, but the adoption was terminated after four years with the adoptive family. That is where our worlds merged. Two failed adoptions brought us together as a beautiful family. I never believed I was mother material. I enjoyed a professional career as a pharmacist and worked long hours. My husband and I had been married over 25 years, and were childless by choice when God spoke adoption to our hearts. No one could have been more shocked than I was. I found myself asking God, like Moses did, "God, are you sure?" What I learned is that God honors obedience with provision. He chose us because He needed a clueless couple to adopt our twice-rejected daughter. We were parents who had no expectations that she would feel she had to live up to. She only needed a place to shine. And shine she has! Ultimately, God gave us the most precious gift of purpose that has brought peace beyond understanding. He also gave us a testimony that burns in me to tell, and I will not hide it under a bushel! Now it is up to us to tell the world of God's greatness. I am happy to report the book ranked, "Top New Release" with Amazon!