Dale Ripley


Dale Ripley has over 35 years of teaching experience working with students in elementary, junior high-middle school and high school – in schools located in the inner city, the suburbs and on a First Nations reserve. While teaching bright, motivated kids was fun, Dale found that this was not particularly challenging, and he discovered years ago that he preferred teaching kids who other teachers found “challenging.” Dale believes that if you want to be a great teacher, you must be a life-long learner who never stops studying and exploring teaching, learning, and the students who you have in your classroom each year. If you have chosen to be a teacher, you have to make a commitment to being a lifelong learner. You need to STAY CURIOUS – curious about teaching; curious about learning; and curious about the students you work with. While Dr. Ripley has been the principal of several schools and served two school districts as their superintendent, the classroom is still his favorite place to be. He is currently teaching in the Faculty of Education at the University of Alberta.


