Dan Hickman


Dan Hickman is a retired Brigadier General living in Wilmington, North Carolina. His Army career began with service as an infantry private. He subsequently served as an Army warrant officer pilot and section leader during the Vietnam war and received a direct commission based on combat experience afterward. As a citizen-soldier, he successively commanded an infantry company, infantry battalion, and a mechanized infantry brigade in the Army Guard. He is a graduate of the Army War College, the Army Command and General Staff College, numerous Infantry schools, and Army Flight School. His civilian education includes a BS from Embry Riddle University and an MS from the University of North Carolina, Wilmington. He served in combat with Bravo Troop, 3rd/17th Air Cavalry during the height of the Vietnam War. He later served in combat with the 1st Infantry Di-vision during the Iraq war, where he commanded the 30th Armored Brigade Combat Team near the Sunni Triangle. He published newspaper and magazine articles before writing A Thousand Chances.


