Daniel Barahona is an inspirational 16yr old teenager from Costa Rica. Entrepreneur, podcaster, certified coach, speaker, content creator, writer, musician, founder of Rise Now Media and founder of Citronella Records. Seen on: El Heraldo de Mexico, El Norte, Televisa, El Universal, Reforma, Revista QR, Fox Magazine RD, Los 40 Principales, and many others. He got out of traditional school at the age of 13, and traveled all over the world with his dad Juan Pablo Barahona and his partner, Regan Hillyer, while writing his first book The Real Success. Including places like Australia, New Zealand, Indonesia, Greece, Arab Emirates, Estonia, Croatia, and many more. He's in life school. Learning from life, experiences, festivals, certifications, workshops and from the top masters of the world. His purpose is helping kids and teenagers transform their life and live the best life ever today, right now. Contact: barahonadaniel028@gmail.com