Daniel Friedmann P.Eng., M.A.Sc., a Readers' Favorite 2013 International Book Award Winner, studies the origin of the universe and life on earth from both the scientific and biblical perspectives. His work on reconciling the biblical account with scientific observation utilizing his biblical clock formula has been reported in conferences, various newspapers, magazines, television and radio talk shows. He is Chairman and CEO of Carbon Engineering, a company leading the commercialization of groundbreaking Direct Air Capture technology that captures carbon dioxide directly from the atmosphere so it can be permanently stored deep underground, or used to produce clean, affordable transportation fuels, mitigating climate change. He was the President and CEO of a global communications and information company until May 2016. He holds a master's degree in engineering physics and has published more than 20 peer-reviewed scientific papers on space industry topics and cosmology. He is also a longtime student of religion and for the past 22 years has attended the Vancouver Kollel center for learning. Friedmann was born in Chile and raised in Canada. Daniel Friedmann's first book, The Genesis One Code, demonstrates an alignment between key events and times as described in the creation narrative in the book of Genesis with those derived from scientific theory and observation. His second book, The Broken Gift: Harmonizing the Biblical and scientific accounts of human origins demonstrates an alignment between the key events and timeline recounting the appearance of humans in the book of Genesis with those derived from the fossil record and genetic studies. His third book, Roadmap To The End Of Days: Demystifying Biblical Eschatology To Explain The Past, The Secret To The Apocalypse And The End Of The World, was published February 2017. The fourth book, The Biblical Clock, co-authored with Dania Sheldon, is a narrative describing Friedmann’s quest for answers that produced the prior three books. It is a stand-alone volume and in relating the story of discovery covers the essential materials in the earlier trilogy. But what about how the universe started and how first animal life came about. The Origins series addresses each of these events exploring what science has uncovered and what scripture says to gain an understanding of origins. A four-book anthology (each standalone): For more information see http://danielfriedmannbooks.ca/ For Ideacity talk On The Genesis One Code see http://www.ideacityonline.com/video/daniel-friedman-genesis-one-code/ For Ideacity talk On The Broken Gift see http://www.ideacityonline.com/video/daniel-friedmann-reconciles-biblical-scientific/ For Ideacity talk On The Roadmap to the End of Days see https://www.ideacity.ca/video/daniel-friedmann-roadmap-end-days/ ---------------------------- Spanish version Nacido en Chile y criado en Canadá, en este momento es CEO de una gran corporación aeroespacial involucrada en la exploración espacial. Él es un ingeniero de profesión y tiene una maestría en ingeniería de la física. Él tiene 30 años de experiencia en la industria espacial, y lleva décadas haciendo amplias investigaciones. Ha publicado más de veinte artículos científicos . Él es también un estudiante de mucho tiempo de religión.