Daniel Hill


MR. RD was born and raised in Tullahoma, TN but currently resides in Houston, TX. He has always had a passion for telling stories and writing. He has written six books. People say his books should be movies because the stories are brought to life so well and should be shown to the world. He has held many jobs in his life ranging from cutting grass, cleaning buildings, working on factory lines all the way up to his currently job teaching in Houston. He enjoys many things in his part time such as reading his bible, watching syfy shows, having fun with his friends and family, trying new things. MR. RD invites people to have an open mind when reading his books, and in doing this he invites people to contact him online through email and via his website. You will learn many lessons about family, life, friends, and that we all have choices. It's a matter of how we decide what direction we want to go in that will shape our lives. Connect with me by copying and pasting the links below and click subscribe to my email list on my author page on the first one or on the homepage of the second one. Thanks for reading again! Authors who need help with more tips on self-publishing, turning their books into audiobooks, or just more helpful tips then copy the link. I have videos on the site. https://mrreddirt.com/ FYI: Sorry I had to take down Times Up 1 & 2 as well as All Because of Me. I have to fix some of the content!


