Daniel Kooman is an award-winning film producer (She Has A Name) and author whose work has been featured on platforms such as The Huffington Post, the BBC, Newswire and ABC. His book Breath of Life is now a 3-part TV Series directed by The Kooman Brothers, featuring The Chosen TV Series Creator Dallas Jenkins, Trevor McNevan of Thousand Foot Krutch (TFK), Kim Walker-Smith of Jesus Culture Music, the popular rock band Skillet, and Astronomer Dr. Hugh Ross from Reasons to Believe. Daniel has traveled to more than thirty countries to tell stories that challenge and inspire. Story-telling has become a platform for Daniel and his wife Christy, to invest in children, empowering orphans in Tanzania and restoring hope to young women trafficked in Thailand. Daniel and Christy live on Vancouver Island, Canada, with their two young children.