Hello I'm Daniel Wolfert the Author of MENTAGENESIS: Free Your Mind To Create Your Future! I've been fortunate to work in Radio, Television, Film and Internet Production and to travel far and wide. I've had an amazing life and have met many prominent members of the "movers and shakers" club; people who've had great visions and brought them into reality! My own studies of the ancient and modern metaphysical teachings of thought manifestation and shaping reality have enabled me to take charge of my journey and live the life of my dreams. Now I feel an obligation to share what I've learned so that everyone who is open minded can also experience the power of turning thoughts into things! In MENTAGENESIS I share many of my triumphs (and a few of my failures) as I've sought to put the revolutionary concepts I've learned into practice. Truth be told, if I put everything that I've experienced into the book, some people would find it too hard to believe! But rest assured, I have provided all the esoteric wisdom you need to know to become a Master at manifestation; but more than that, I share the practical methods that I use everyday to shape my world-scape to match my desires. I even share how I tilt the odds in my favor at so called "games of chance" such as slot machines and the lottery! The most important thing that distinguishes MENTAGENESIS from other books on the subject of manifestation is that I also detail the thought patterns and institutional programming that will hinder your ability to use your mind to create your future. I then provide methods you can use to renew your mind and unleash your supercharged creative thought energy! I am totally confident that if you're open to looking at the Universe in a different way, this book will change your life forever! Your days of being a victim are over. After reading MENTAGENESIS (and putting it into practice) you'll be able to turn any situation or circumstance you encounter to your benefit as well as being able to create a future that reflects your highest and best aspirations!