Daniela Gonschorek was born in Wiesbaden in 1967 and lives there. So it was only natural to set "Eiscreme mit Regenbogen" in this city. After an apprenticeship as a theater painter, she completed her studies in communication design and has since worked as a graphic designer in the publishing industry, freelancing since 2007. The author runs a small blog around the topic of autism at: word-spinner.tumblr.com. Note on "Eiscreme mit Regenbogen": "Living on the autism spectrum is one thing, but describing how it feels, what you think or feel is quite another. My heroine acts like me, and that sometimes seems strange to non-autistic people. That's why I'm even more pleased that so many readers got involved with the story and the main character. That was exactly my goal: to build a bridge between two worlds."