Dr. Amatullah is a pharmacist, informaticist, and artist. She knows the ins and outs of specialty pharmacy during the day and shifts to taking care of her toddler son and newborn daughter. Her life does not have a dull moment, and now she is even more complete being an author. Dr. Li is a practicing clinician specializing in chronic disease management with administrative responsibilities and conducting clinical research. She is inspired by her toddler daughter every day and cannot wait to have an influence on the next generation of young scientists. Dr. Tsapepas is a pharmacist with years of clinical experience who now focuses on quality, education and healthcare research. She is the best Thea Deda to her nephews and nieces, who keep her entertained. She would like to extend learning excitement to all. The three close friends have partnered on multiple projects over the years. Their latest adventure is to create fun educational materials and foster critical thinking in children.