Hi I'm Dave Randolph, owner of IronBody Fitness, a small fitness center specializing in kettlebell training for general fitness, fat loss and strength and conditioning for people from all walks of life, specializing in working in the 40+ age group. I've been training with and teaching kettlebells since September of 2002 and I've trained and taught with some of most well-known instructors in the business. In addition I'm a 6th degree Associate Master in Shaolin Do kung fu having studied the art for over 20 years. I've helped thousands of people lose fat and gain muscle using kettlebells and body-weight exercises to build strength and burn fat! My fourth book on Olympic Weightlifting is geared towards enhancing athleticism and performance. It designed to teach to do the lifts step-by-step with progressions to work on or go back to. In addition there's a section on self-assessment to make sure you are ready to do the Olympic lifts.