Electrical engineer, historian, and entrepreneur. Co-Founder and partner at Unless, a new investment firm focused on supporting companies at the forefront of industrial transformation. Founder and Executive Chairman at Humatics with a mission to revolutionize how people and machines locate, navigate and collaborate. A Professor of Aerospace Engineering at MIT, David is an expert on robotic navigation and human interactions with autonomous systems in air, sea, and space. As Dibner Professor of the History of Engineering and Manufacturing, David is a leading authority on generations of inventors, engineers, entrepreneurs, and workers within the great arcs of technological change. He has led or participated in more than 25 oceanographic expeditions, written six books, and is an inventor on 34 patents in RF navigation, autonomous systems, and AI-assisted piloting. He also spent five years as a Department Head at MIT. David co- Chaired MIT’s Task Force on the Work of the Future. David has undergraduate degrees from Yale and a Ph.D. from MIT.